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1 kg di pomodori sodi e maturi
2 cucchiai di concentrato
1 porro
2 pezzi di zenzero fresco
2 spicchi di aglio
un pizzico di timo essiccato
un pizzico di alloro essiccato
40 cl di brodo vegetale
1/2 cucchiaino di zucchero di canna
Olio e sale
Fate appassire dolcemente la cipolla e lo zenzero tritati molto finemente in olio extra vergine di oliva e quando saranno morbidi, unite anche l'aglio schiacciato e tagliato a coltello piuttosto finemente, il concentrato di pomodoro, gli odori, lo zucchero di canna e regolate di sale. Fate andare qualche minuto e poi inserire anche i pomodori freschi privati della pelle (basta immergerli 30 secondi in acqua a bollore per poterla levare facilmente) e tagliati a tocchettini. A questo punto potete mettere il brodo vegetale per fare poi sobbollire a fuoco dolce per circa 20 minuti. Frullate il tutto con grande attenzione, filtrate al colino cinese ed eventualmente regolate di sale se occorre. Un giro di olio a crudo e potete consumare questa vellutata sia calda, che tiepida, ma è ottima anche fredda!!!!
Nella ricetta originale è prevista la panna, ma io preferisco sostituirla con un buon brodo vegetale per renderla più leggera e invitante.... e quando mi prende la golosità più sfrenata allora aggiungo qualche pinolo appena tostato!
A fresh and inviting soup you can eat also and especially in the summertomato season and use the fresh ginger ..... and you can take it away!
1 kg firm, ripe tomatoes
2 tablespoons of concentrate
1 leek
2 pieces of fresh ginger
2 cloves of garlic
a pinch of dried thyme
a pinch of dried bay leaves
40 cl of vegetable broth
1 / 2 teaspoon brown sugar
Oil and salt
Let dry gently the onion and finely chopped ginger in oil extra virgin olive oiland when they are soft, add the crushed garlic and also cut with a kniferather finely, tomato paste, herbs, brown sugar and adjust salt. Take a few minutes and then go put the tomatoes fresh private skin (just dip them inboiling water for 30 seconds to be able to lift easily) and cut tocchettini. At this point you can put the vegetable stock to make then simmer on low heatfor about 20 minutes. Blend everything with great care, strain through a chinois Chinese and possibly adjust salt if necessary. A tour of olive oil andyou can enjoy this smooth and warm, that warm, but it's also great cold!!
In the original recipe is provided for the cream, but I prefer to replace it witha good vegetable broth to make it lighter and inviting .... and when I take theunbridled greed then just add some toasted pine nuts!
1 kg firm, ripe tomatoes
2 tablespoons of concentrate
1 leek
2 pieces of fresh ginger
2 cloves of garlic
a pinch of dried thyme
a pinch of dried bay leaves
40 cl of vegetable broth
1 / 2 teaspoon brown sugar
Oil and salt
Let dry gently the onion and finely chopped ginger in oil extra virgin olive oiland when they are soft, add the crushed garlic and also cut with a kniferather finely, tomato paste, herbs, brown sugar and adjust salt. Take a few minutes and then go put the tomatoes fresh private skin (just dip them inboiling water for 30 seconds to be able to lift easily) and cut tocchettini. At this point you can put the vegetable stock to make then simmer on low heatfor about 20 minutes. Blend everything with great care, strain through a chinois Chinese and possibly adjust salt if necessary. A tour of olive oil andyou can enjoy this smooth and warm, that warm, but it's also great cold!!
In the original recipe is provided for the cream, but I prefer to replace it witha good vegetable broth to make it lighter and inviting .... and when I take theunbridled greed then just add some toasted pine nuts!
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