Un impasto leggero a base di farina di grano saraceno: indicatissimo per i celiaci e per chi ha problemi di digestione!!!
- 400 gr di farina di grano saraceno
- 30 gr di lievito di birra
- sale q.b.
- 350g pomodorini ciliegini
- 1 mozzarella
- origano
- olio extravergine di oliva
Disponete a fontana la farina di grano saraceno e mettete al centro il lievito di birra sbriciolato stemperato con poca acqua appena tiepida ed impastate. Come il lievito avrà preso ad amalgamarsi con la farina, salate ed aggiungete acqua appena intiepidita fino a che otterrete un impasto consistente, elastico ed omogeneo; lavorate bene aggiungendo qualche cucchiaio di olio. Dividete l'impasto in due palle e disponetele sotto uno strofinaccio da cucina per non meno di 3 ore.

Servite subito!
PREZZO: farina di grano saraceno sacchetto da 500g, 2.50 euro
A light dough made from wheat flour: very suitable for coeliacs and those with digestive problems!
400 grams of buckwheat flour
30 g of yeast
salt q.b.
350g cherry tomatoes
1 mozzarella
extra virgin olive oil
A mound of buckwheat flour and place the center of the crumbled yeast dissolved with little lukewarm water and knead. As the yeast has taken to amalgamate with the flour, salt and add water just warmed until you have a consistent dough, elastic and homogeneous work well adding a few tablespoons of oil. Divide the dough into two balls and arrange them in a dish towel for at least 3 hours.
Grease the mold for pizza and you have above the amount necessary for a thin-crust pizza (I always do it in different sizes, because smaller ones to use as a snack for the school of my kids), and then stuffed with shredded mozzarella and a little good dose of cherry tomatoes cut in half. Drizzle with a little olive oil, sprinkle with oregano, salt and bake in preheated oven at 250 degrees for 10-15 minutes (cooking time depends on your oven at home that as you like cooking pizza).
Serve immediately!
PRICE: buckwheat flour bag 500g, 2.50 €
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