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Le proprietà del cavolo sono veramente moltissime e non ultima quella di essere molto appetitoso! Eccovi dunque una ricettina simpatica e veloce, per una cena o un pasto leggero ideale in questa stagione...
1 cavolfiore bello sodo
1 cespo di lattuga
3 pomodori maturi
3 uova sode
1 cuore di sedano
1 mazzetto di rucola
un pompelmo
Olio extravergine, sale, mentuccia
Separate il cavolfiore in tante cimette, lavatele e lessatele in acqua salata per circa 7/8 minuti; quindi scolate e fate raffreddare molto bene. Nel frattempo lavate le restanti verdure e apprestatevi ad affettare il sedano piuttosto sottilmente, a spezzettare la lattuga con le mani e la rucola a coltello, a tagliare al vivo il pompelmo preparando gli spicchi senza la pellicina, a tagliare i pomodori a cubetti e le uova sode a fettine. Disponete in un piatto di portata partendo dalla lattuga dove disporrete sopra la rucola, quindi i pomodori, il pompelmo, i pomodori, il sedano, il cavolfiore, le foglie di mentuccia fresca: condite con olio e sale!
Talvolta porto questa insalatona anche al mare, dentro un contenitore ermetico...
The CAULIFLOWER SALAD, light and tasty dish in view of the test suit ...
The properties of cabbage are very many and not least to be very tasty! Sohere's a nice and easy recipe for a dinner or a light meal perfect this season...
1 cauliflower looking hard
1 head of lettuce
3 ripe tomatoes
3 eggs
1 celery heart
1 bunch arugula
a grapefruit
Extra virgin olive oil, salt, mint
Separate the cauliflower into florets many, wash and boil in salted water forabout 7 / 8 minutes, then drain and let it cool very well. Meanwhile, wash thevegetables and remaining apprestatevi rather thin slicing the celery to chopthe lettuce and arugula with your hands, knife, cut the grapefruit preparing tolive without the peel the cloves, cut the tomatoes into cubes and eggs boiledin slices. Place in a serving dish, starting from where you will find over therocket lettuce, and tomatoes, grapefruit, tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, fresh mint leaves: oil and season with salt!
Sometimes I take this salad even at sea in an airtight container ...
1 cauliflower looking hard
1 head of lettuce
3 ripe tomatoes
3 eggs
1 celery heart
1 bunch arugula
a grapefruit
Extra virgin olive oil, salt, mint
Separate the cauliflower into florets many, wash and boil in salted water forabout 7 / 8 minutes, then drain and let it cool very well. Meanwhile, wash thevegetables and remaining apprestatevi rather thin slicing the celery to chopthe lettuce and arugula with your hands, knife, cut the grapefruit preparing tolive without the peel the cloves, cut the tomatoes into cubes and eggs boiledin slices. Place in a serving dish, starting from where you will find over therocket lettuce, and tomatoes, grapefruit, tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, fresh mint leaves: oil and season with salt!
Sometimes I take this salad even at sea in an airtight container ...
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