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Foto da Yuksek.ro |
E' un ottimo ed appetitoso rimedio contro la cellulite, perchè non solo aiuta il riassorbimento del gonfiore ma svolge anche una importante azione drenante. E non solo: grazie alla sua azione fibrinolitica riduce la vasodilatazione e l'eccessiva permeabilità dei capillari, evitanto infiammazioni e dolori locali soprattutto nei soggetti con problemi circolatori.
Certo non possiamo identificare nell'ananas la panacea di tutti i mali, ma grazie alle sue innegabili proprietà possiamo contare in benefici scientificamente riconosciuti.
Applicare un pò di polpa di ananas frullata sul viso, per una trentina di minuti: quindi sciacquare e idratare il viso
Centrifugate insieme 60 gr di ananas fresco con 60 gr di mandorle dolci fino ad ottenere una crema morbida: applicate sul viso pulito e mantenere in posa per 15 minuti; sciacquare abbondantemente.
Not only to eat, pineapple ........
Recognized beneficial properties of fruit, the pineapple is not only healthybut also to digest, nutritious and highly recommended for all those whoundergo a hypocaloric diet: its consumption, especially in spring, allows you to lose the pounds accumulated during the season but winter is not recommended for those who suffer from colitis or active peptic ulcers. Hassignificant diuretic, cleansing, detoxification and digestive: try it after aheavy meal rich in protein and abundant maybe .... bromelain contained in itwill help greatly especially in the digestion of meat!
It 's a great and tasty remedy for cellulite, not only because it helps theabsorption of the swelling, but also plays an important draining. And not onlybecause of its fibrinolytic action reduces the vasodilation and excessivecapillary permeability, preventing local inflammation and pain especially inthose with circulatory problems.
Of course we can not identify nell'ananas the panacea for all ills, but thanks to its undeniable property we can count on benefits are scientifically recognized.
Apply a bit of chopped pineapple puree on your face for thirty minutes thenrinse and moisturize your face
TO GET THE MASK skin smooth and silky
Centrifuge with 60 g of fresh pineapple with 60 grams of almonds untilcreamy smooth: Apply to cleansed face and keep it on for 15 minutes andrinse thoroughly.
Not only to eat, pineapple ........
Recognized beneficial properties of fruit, the pineapple is not only healthybut also to digest, nutritious and highly recommended for all those whoundergo a hypocaloric diet: its consumption, especially in spring, allows you to lose the pounds accumulated during the season but winter is not recommended for those who suffer from colitis or active peptic ulcers. Hassignificant diuretic, cleansing, detoxification and digestive: try it after aheavy meal rich in protein and abundant maybe .... bromelain contained in itwill help greatly especially in the digestion of meat!
It 's a great and tasty remedy for cellulite, not only because it helps theabsorption of the swelling, but also plays an important draining. And not onlybecause of its fibrinolytic action reduces the vasodilation and excessivecapillary permeability, preventing local inflammation and pain especially inthose with circulatory problems.
Of course we can not identify nell'ananas the panacea for all ills, but thanks to its undeniable property we can count on benefits are scientifically recognized.
Apply a bit of chopped pineapple puree on your face for thirty minutes thenrinse and moisturize your face
TO GET THE MASK skin smooth and silky
Centrifuge with 60 g of fresh pineapple with 60 grams of almonds untilcreamy smooth: Apply to cleansed face and keep it on for 15 minutes andrinse thoroughly.
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